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Our Recent Posts


A Dada Legacy
When I was born six weeks premature, my grandfather was the first family member to hold me. The fact that I arrived in the world earlier...

It's Sara, Not Sorry
Last week, I found myself apologizing for a part of me that I can't change. I find it interesting that as solid and confident as we can

The Roads We Take
Let's talk about pathways. And don't worry, I'll try to steer this away from the typical "Sara failed (again) and now needs to justify...

A War of Race and Rhetoric
Generally, I attempt to stay away from sharing too many "political" posts on Facebook. I think social media can be a great place for...

To All The "Losers"
I've always had a hard time with failure. Mostly because when I grew up, I never had to deal with it. The competitive drive in me would...
A Child of Immigrants
When I was in first grade, I came home one day in tears of frustration. Flushed cheeks with uncontrollable hot streams running down my...
Pre-Website Blog
In 2010, I attended a leadership camp with a session that included a few presentations on personal branding. It was here that the idea of...
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